
Church Action on Poverty trustee Stef Benstead shares reflections on how the Coronavirus outbreak is affecting her life, as someone with disabilities who is used to being on a low income. In the fourth post of the series, she talks about sustainability.

When I became ill, for several years I battled with simultaneous loss and overwork. The loss was every time I chose to care for my physical health by not doing something that I really wanted to do. The overwork was every time I chose to do something that I wanted to do, but wasn’t physically capable of doing. The challenge was balancing the loss with the overwork; balancing the pain of loss and social isolation with the pain of being your own slave-driver and torturer.

Consistently making yourself do something that is bad for you is very difficult and very bad for you. It’s like being your own slave-driver or torturer, and that’s worse than having an external slave driver. When I finally learned not to strive to do things beyond my body’s capability, my physical health stabilised and my mental health returned.

You never come out of overwork by continuing to overwork. That way lies physical collapse and deep despair.

Ultimately, what I learned was that you can go through grief in a way that you can’t go through overwork. You never come out of overwork by continuing to overwork. That way lies physical collapse and deep despair. You only come out of grief by experiencing it, mourning your loss as it happens. You come out of grief by grieving; you can only come out of overwork by stopping.

We are very good at justifying our activity. I told myself I couldn’t give up this or that or the other because so-and-so needed me. If I didn’t do it, it wouldn’t get done. Actually, what happened was either that more practical ways of doing something were found, or it turned out to be a whole lot less important than I thought. But I couldn’t see that in the midst of the activity; I had to stop doing it first.

The rest Jesus gives us is literal, physical rest and therefore also peace-of-mind rest: that he genuinely allows us to put down things that we, or others, think are essential, and to not be bothered or feel guilty or a failure about it.

I have spent a lot of time thinking about the Sabbath and Jesus’ phrase that we could come to him for rest. I have come to the conclusion that the rest Jesus gives us is literal, physical rest and therefore also peace-of-mind rest: that he genuinely allows us to put down things that we, or others, think are essential, and to not be bothered or feel guilty or a failure about it. And really, what else could he mean? He tells us to put down the world’s yoke: all the demands that the world places on us about what we should do and achieve. And he tells us to pick up his yoke: a yoke which he describes as easy; a yoke which sees listening to Jesus as better than feeding your household.

The point of the Sabbath is not to have a single day where we let go of the burdens and demands and standards of the world, but to bring that principle into every day of the week. Every single day, you can stop when you’ve done all you can handle. Every single day, you are not the creator, sustainer and redeemer of the universe. Every single day, you are just a frail, created being with limited powers.

I don’t know what that will look like for you. I wonder if, like me, it means doing less paid work and living on a smaller income, so that you have more time. Time to be with God. Time to be with family. Time to fit crises, whether your own or someone else’s, into your life. Time to live, love and serve.

Stef Benstead’s book Second Class Citizens: The treatment of disabled people in austerity Britain is available from the Centre for Welfare Reform.

The story of a Cornish food and community revolution

“You are worthy. Don’t ever give up.”

How can policy-makers and churches work together to tackle UK poverty?

How have Christians responded to poverty during austerity?

Reset The Debt in Parliament

Watch the Food Power story

How we can use poetry to accelerate social change

Activism, struggle and superpowers

Why does digital exclusion matter?

62% want action on income inequality. So, what do we do?

Rahela Khan and Jayne Gosnall hold a board with "Dignity means...." on it.

Photos & quotes: the energy, hope & resolve of Dignity For All 2023

Two women stitch a craft creation, one looking at her work, the other towards the camera

It’s like they’ve flown: the awesome power of craft & companionship

An Introduction to the Joint Public Issues Team

What is the gospel imperative for churches in this challenging time? Church Action on Poverty trustee Stef Benstead has been reflecting on what she's seen. In this last post, she thinks about what we can learn from the Old Testament.

Jesus told us that all the Law and the Prophets – everything God has told us about what to do and his commentary on his people’s adherence to it – hangs on the two commands, “Love God” and “love your neighbour”. The Old Testament law made special provision for an economy and way of life that, followed faithfully, would eradicate poverty. The prophets are full of challenge to both the Israelites and pagan nations that they are subject to God’s wrath because of their oppression of others and their failure to provide for, defend and uphold the poor, sick and needy. Indeed, it is by far the most common judgment of God against pagan nations, and ranks alongside idolatry in God’s judgment of the Hebrews.[1]

The Law also contains a key commandment on blasphemy. The third of the Ten Commandments tells us not to misuse the name of God. There are many ways we can do this beyond just our language. One key way in which we can either honour or dishonour God’s name is through our actions. In Ezekiel, God challenges the Israelites that their unrighteous, uncaring lives are causing the nations to profane God’s name. They make it look as though God isn’t worth following; or that he is as selfish, capricious and unjust as his people; or (when he eventually sends his people into exile) that he can’t defend his people against the pagan nations.

God expects his people to better than the rest of the world, not at best just the same and often even worse. He expects us to step in where the rest of the world steps back. The current situation, where it is the secular groups in our country who are filling the need for affordable food and access to food, is a terrible dishonour to God and an indictment upon his people. The very last thing that Christians should be doing is stepping back and closing our doors. We should continue to be open to serve our communities and meet their practical needs, and striving to do more as the need deepens. We should not be waiting to see what new regulations come out or how the course of the virus goes, but getting ready now to serve the need that is present now. Let tomorrow worry about itself, so long as we are faithful today.

So this is my challenge to all denominations, congregations and Christians: open your doors, open your hearts, open your pockets and serve.


[1] The most common indictment against the Hebrews is their general rejection of God, with over 200 verses dedicated to this. Oppression and idolatry each occur around 145 times, with the next highest being harlotry and lying leaders, at a little under 100 verses each (by my count).
God condemns the pagan nations for oppression over 80 times, for pride 45 times, and all other charges fewer than 25 times.

At Church Action on Poverty, we know that some churches are struggling to keep services open because their volunteers are themselves vulnerable and need to self-isolate. But many others are finding creative ways to serve and keep people connected.

Hope story: a united stand against hunger

How we ensure struggles are not ignored

What does the cost of living crisis mean for people in poverty?

Holding the church to account

On the road: recalling the time we took a bus all round Britain

SPARK newsletter winter 2021–22

6 ways we can build dignity, agency & power amid the cost of living crisis

Hope story: tenacity and change in Salford

Rahela Khan and Jayne Gosnall hold a board with "Dignity means...." on it.

Photos & quotes: the energy, hope & resolve of Dignity For All 2023

Two women stitch a craft creation, one looking at her work, the other towards the camera

It’s like they’ve flown: the awesome power of craft & companionship

An Introduction to the Joint Public Issues Team

Church Action on Poverty trustee Stef Benstead shares reflections on how the Coronavirus outbreak is affecting her life, as someone with disabilities who is used to being on a low income. In the third post of the series, she talks about grief.

Because of my chronic illness, I’ve already done the loss and grieving process. I’ve already lost a job; lost contact with friends; been all-but housebound; seen no one but parents for days on end. I’ve experienced the loss of purpose or fulfilment, and the dislocation of no longer having an idea of where the future is going. 

It is best to let yourself feel the grief, rather than hide or deny it. And don’t feel that your loss isn’t worthy of grief: it is.

Having gone through that, I can assure you that it is possible to come out the other side to a sunny life. But there is no escape from going through the grief, and that is sad and painful. It is best to let yourself feel the grief, rather than hide or deny it. And don’t feel that your loss isn’t worthy of grief: it is. Sometimes it’s the smallest things in life that mean the most.

It’s difficult refusing to do things that you want to do, particularly when other people want you to be there, but the lockdown removes that mental pressure. The mental strain I face regularly – shall I go to church today; shall I go to homegroup; can I go to that conference; can I finish this project – is all gone, because the answer is “no”, and I didn’t impose it. Someone else is now safeguarding my physical health for me! In that way, the coronavirus is giving me a much-needed holiday, with much less mental strain than when I have to choose for myself to miss out on something I really want to do.

The Bible tells us,

“Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.’”

(James 4:13-15)

It has been easy in the West to neglect the truth of that verse and how to live by it. But the truth is that there is only one constant in life, and that is God. There is only one constant task, and that is to live to glorify God. That path will never leave us. Like a little child holding her father’s hand, we do not ask to know the whole route, but only to walk what is before us. We know how to walk; we have our best friend, protector and guide with us; and with that we can rest content.

Stef Benstead’s book Second Class Citizens: The treatment of disabled people in austerity Britain is available from the Centre for Welfare Reform.

The story of a Cornish food and community revolution

“You are worthy. Don’t ever give up.”

How can policy-makers and churches work together to tackle UK poverty?

How have Christians responded to poverty during austerity?

Reset The Debt in Parliament

Watch the Food Power story

How we can use poetry to accelerate social change

Activism, struggle and superpowers

Why does digital exclusion matter?

62% want action on income inequality. So, what do we do?

Rahela Khan and Jayne Gosnall hold a board with "Dignity means...." on it.

Photos & quotes: the energy, hope & resolve of Dignity For All 2023

Two women stitch a craft creation, one looking at her work, the other towards the camera

It’s like they’ve flown: the awesome power of craft & companionship

An Introduction to the Joint Public Issues Team

What is the gospel imperative for churches in this challenging time? Church Action on Poverty trustee Stef Benstead has been reflecting on what she's seen. In this second post, she thinks about the links between faith and action.

God is very clear that his people are to be like him: to be holy as he is holy; perfect as he is perfect; loving as he is love. And the Christian scriptures, documenting as they do both God’s interactions with humanity and his declared will, are very clear that God has a special care for the physical wellbeing of the materially poor.

This is why one of God’s descriptions of Christianity is those people who care for the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, imprisoned by providing what they materially need – food, water, clothes, healing, social contact (Matt 24:34-36).[1]

But note something interesting: God does not at any point link Christianity with how much we talk about the gospel or how many people we ‘save’. God does not say, “talk much about me, that people may hear your good words and glorify your Father in heaven”, but “let your light [i.e. good deeds] shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 6:16). God does not say, “Love your enemies, speak of the Gospel to them, and convert them to salvation. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he talks to the ungrateful and wicked.” Rather, God says, “Love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked” (Luke 6:35).

When Jesus was asked about obeying God, he never said, “Go and talk about me”. Jesus said, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” (Matthew 9:13), “invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind” to your dinner table (Luke 14:12-14); “be generous to the poor” (Luke 11); “sell everything you have and give to the poor” (Mark 10:21). In the Gospel of John, we are told not merely to love our neighbour “as ourselves”, but to love one another as Jesus has loved us (John 13:34; 15:12). And the definition of neighbour is anyone in need, even someone who despises us or whose claim on us would take us to considerable time, effort and expense.

This is a time for us to do the same. It is not a time for worrying if we can sustain the level of help that people need. It is not a time for fretting about whether we do exactly the right thing. It is a time for providing help, trusting in God to sustain us, and knowing that even if we run out of capacity at least some people will have been helped in the meantime. Let us go out and bring glory to God through our good deeds.

[1] This is not a salvation by works, for the good deeds are the fruit of a saving faith in Jesus’ death for our sins. They are the demonstration of our salvation, not the cause of it.

At Church Action on Poverty, we know that some churches are struggling to keep services open because their volunteers are themselves vulnerable and need to self-isolate. But many others are finding creative ways to serve and keep people connected.

Hope story: a united stand against hunger

How we ensure struggles are not ignored

What does the cost of living crisis mean for people in poverty?

Holding the church to account

On the road: recalling the time we took a bus all round Britain

SPARK newsletter winter 2021–22

6 ways we can build dignity, agency & power amid the cost of living crisis

Hope story: tenacity and change in Salford

Rahela Khan and Jayne Gosnall hold a board with "Dignity means...." on it.

Photos & quotes: the energy, hope & resolve of Dignity For All 2023

Two women stitch a craft creation, one looking at her work, the other towards the camera

It’s like they’ve flown: the awesome power of craft & companionship

An Introduction to the Joint Public Issues Team

Church Action on Poverty trustee Stef Benstead shares reflections on how the Coronavirus outbreak is affecting her life, as someone with disabilities who is used to being on a low income. In the second post of the series, she talks about money.

I’ve learned to live on relatively little money, around £145/week for living costs. It’s basically a case of only buying clothes when an old item wears out (I have clothes over 10 years old that I still wear regularly) and not eating out or going to a café. I also don’t have a TV license or streaming account, my mobile is £5/month, and I don’t have a car. There are probably other areas that I’m so used to that I don’t even notice the gap between my spending and that of my peers. But a key one is the support of my family, who paid for my last two holidays and various bits of home improvements that they won’t let me pay them back for. 

I’m very fortunate to be in a benefits group that gets twice as much money as the typical jobseeker. People deemed either fit for work or too sick to work yet capable of ‘work-related activity’ got only £73/week (now £94 because of coronavirus), a level that is below the destitution threshold of £70/week once the need to top-up rent and council tax is factored in. By comparison, the state pension is £168.60/week, and single working-age adults are deemed to need £200/week to have a socially acceptable level of inclusion in society.

Fortunately for me, the government is not carrying out any assessments or reassessments of benefits for three months, so I’m not going to be reduced to destitution in the immediate future. This is less good for people who are on benefits that don’t match their level of illness, who can’t get assessed and placed in a higher award group.

Other people are able to get up to 80% of their income, up to around £24,000. Whether this is enough depends upon the cost of housing, so some people will get more than they need whilst others get less. This is inefficient. It’s also a major administrative cost for the government and leaves workers vulnerable to the good will of employers, for many of whom it is sufficiently easy to hire as to make keeping workers on at this time an unnecessary cost.

There is a very simple way around this: a means-tested income replacement. This could be made even easier by applying the means-test through the tax system, by including the benefit in tax calculations. The benefit should be made up of a livings cost element (£150-200/week) plus housing costs up to the 50th percentile in the equivalent private rent. This simple measure wouldn’t pay excess money to people who don’t need it, nor leave the poorest people under-supported. Many people who have been used to a higher income will have savings they can utilise now that the very rainy day is here, whilst others may be able to remortgage their house to free up some up money. Many people who are used to a lower income would be better off, and may even be able to get out from some debt whilst buying what they need to safeguard their, and our country’s, health. It’s a very simple approach that helps everyone, including the government.

Stef Benstead’s book Second Class Citizens: The treatment of disabled people in austerity Britain is available from the Centre for Welfare Reform.

The story of a Cornish food and community revolution

“You are worthy. Don’t ever give up.”

How can policy-makers and churches work together to tackle UK poverty?

How have Christians responded to poverty during austerity?

Reset The Debt in Parliament

Watch the Food Power story

How we can use poetry to accelerate social change

Activism, struggle and superpowers

Why does digital exclusion matter?

62% want action on income inequality. So, what do we do?

Rahela Khan and Jayne Gosnall hold a board with "Dignity means...." on it.

Photos & quotes: the energy, hope & resolve of Dignity For All 2023

Two women stitch a craft creation, one looking at her work, the other towards the camera

It’s like they’ve flown: the awesome power of craft & companionship

An Introduction to the Joint Public Issues Team

Our Director Niall Cooper calls for further action to ensure the outbreak doesn't sweep millions of people further into poverty

This builds on the coronavirus food alert which we issued with partner organisations at the start of the outbreak.

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The numbers swept into poverty in the past month are on a scale unseen since the Great Depression nearly a century ago. Further bold and courageous action from Government is needed to stem the tide of poverty and destitution over the coming weeks and months, which goes significantly beyond the measures already announced. There is an increasingly compelling case for a one-off cash payment to every household in the country, to ensure they have the means to buy food, pay rent and bills and tide them through the next few months and to provide the economic stimulus to kickstart the economy once shops and businesses, pubs and restaurants start to reopen in the coming months.

Whilst the measures taken to tackle the threat posed by the global Coronavirus pandemic are undoubtedly essential, the economic cost is disproportionately falling on the poorest and most vulnerable.  The numbers swept into poverty and destitution in the past month are of a scale not seen since the Great Depression nearly a century ago. Government measures to mitigate the impact have been impressive, but there is growing evidence that hundreds of thousands – and potentially millions – will slip through the net, and face increasing poverty and destitution.

The response at community level, by food banks and other community projects, has been heroic, with many seeing a doubling or trebling in the numbers turning to them for support. However, it is clear that charitable and voluntary action cannot avert the scale of crisis of poverty now affecting millions of people across the country.  In the light of this, further ‘bold and courageous’ Government action is required to match some of the radical measures being rolled out by nations in the grip of the crisis.

A global economic catastrophe: the biggest economic recession since the 1920s

Coronavirus is a global pandemic, with unprecedented global economic impacts. According to the International Labour Organisation (IL0), 81% of the global workforce of 3.3 billion people have had their workplace fully or partly closed.  According to ILO director Guy Ryder:

“Workers and businesses are facing catastrophe, in both developed and developing economies”.

Analysis undertaken by the Financial Times shows that the UK economy is heading for a recession that is forecast to be deeper than the 2009 financial crisis and one of the most severe since 1900:

Almost a fifth of small businesses "at risk of collapse within month"

Far from being just a ‘short-term’ close-down, there are very real long-term risks to the economy, with multiple studies showing that large numbers of businesses may not survive the lockdown.

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) have reported that companies across the country are suffering from a sharp and significant fall in domestic and overseas sales as lockdown measures brought many firms close to collapse, threatening widespread job losses.

A separate survey reported in the Guardian last week found that almost a fifth of UK small businesses are at risk of collapsing within the next month as they struggle to secure emergency cash meant to support them through the coronavirus lockdown.

In total, almost one million small businesses across Britain are feared to be at risk of collapsing within the next month as they struggle to secure emergency cash, despite the government’s efforts to cushion the economic blow and the Bank of England lowering interest rates to provide cheap financing.

The young, women and the low-paid hardest hit

The scale of ‘income shock’ that literally millions of people experienced virtually without warning in the space of just over a fortnight is difficult to comprehend. Exact figures are not yet clear, but at least 4-5 million workers have almost certainly suffered a major income shock, taking into account those who have lost their jobs (without the option of being put on furlough), the self-employed and small business owners.

Some workers have been hit harder than others, with young people, women and those in low-paid jobs hardest hit, as they are employed in larger numbers in the sectors affected by the shutdown, i.e. restaurants, shops, transport and leisure facilities.

According to research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), the lockdown will hit young workers the hardest. Employees aged under 25 were about two and a half times as likely to work in a sector that is now shut down as other employees.Low earners are seven times as likely as high earners to have worked in a sector that is now shut down, whilst women were about one third more likely to work in a sector that is now shut down than men.

Low-income households less able to weather income shocks

Lower-income households will also tend to find it harder to weather any income shocks that the crisis will bring, as a greater proportion of their spending goes towards essentials and bills that will be harder to cut if they experience income falls, according to separate analysis also by the IFS.

Many households are experiencing falls in their income as a result of the economic and health policy responses to the coronavirus crisis – often sharp falls. What they normally spend their money on will matter for how well they can weather this storm. If a household typically spends much of its budget on essential or inflexible items, it has less scope to adjust to a lower income by reducing spending without incurring relatively severe hardship. Hence it is relatively likely to run down savings, miss bill payments, go into rent arrears, or go (further) into debt.

In spite of Government measures, millions remain without cash

The UK Government measures to mitigate the impact of the lockdown on individuals and businesses, announced by Chancellor Rishi Sunak over the past two weeks, have been impressive and universally welcomed. However, millions of people across Britain still risk falling through gaps in the coronavirus wage subsidy plan and benefits system.

As Revd Clare Downing, an Anglican priest in a low-income neighbourhood in West London, described this week:

“We’re seeing so many people adversely affected during this time of lockdown and the impact of the virus in our community. The estates in our area are densely populated and many flats are overcrowded; health conditions and life expectancy are already lower than average; child poverty, food poverty, isolation and mental health struggles are issues people already live with on a daily basis – add to all that the impact of lockdown, increased concerns about health, and bereavements from Covid-19 and you’ve got a pretty horrid situation on your hands. Yesterday, a member of our church family lost her mother, she lived on the same estate in a nearby block and her death has affected family members and neighbours. Today another woman hears that her housing benefit has been stopped (some query or other) so she’s trying to feed three children, with no income at present, keep them entertained in a small flat with no outdoor play space and now has to find an extra £140 a week to cover rent until they reinstate benefits.”

A million new claims for Universal Credit: But how many have been paid?

According to the Department for Work and Pensions, nearly a million people “successfully applied” for Universal Credit during the last fortnight in March. This is almost 10 times as in a normal two-week period, and has placed a huge strain on DWP resources.

However, it is important to note that “successfully applied” is not the same as “having received any cash support”, but rather means just that they have managed to register an application. This in itself was no mean feat, with helplines inundated, and at one point, a “virtual queue’ to apply online (the main method for accessing Universal Credit) of up to 145,000 people. What is unknown is how many failed to “successfully apply”, do not have the means to apply online, were defeated by the virtual queuing or the complexity of the information required from them, or are simply not aware that they might be eligible for Universal Credit or other benefits in the current situation.

As Tracey Herrington, project manager for Thrive Teesside, reported to me last week: 

“We are unable to stay in contact with some of our most vulnerable beneficiaries as they do not have phones or access to the internet. People have lost their jobs and an income to the household, some are unable to access Universal Credit so will be without one income which they have previously relied upon to ‘keep afloat’.”  

With Universal Credit’s much-criticised five-week wait for the first monthly payment still in place, and potentially long delays whilst claims are assessed, many of the one million new claimants face the prospect of waiting weeks to receive cash. Some may opt for ‘cash advances’, but as these are in the form of loans, others will be put off by the prospect of taking on more debts as a result. Those who do receive their first Universal Credit payment in the next few weeks will be in for a nasty shock, when – even with the recent £20 a week uplift – they realise that UK unemployment benefit levels are amongst the lowest in Europe.

Millions could fail to benefit from Government support packages

Meanwhile, there are significant concerns that in spite of the various Government support packages, up to four million self-employed workers will still get no support.

Highlighting sizeable gaps in the government plan to pay 80% of employees’ salaries and self-employed workers’ profits as the crisis mounts, the IFS warns that 2 million people who work for themselves would not be protected because they do not earn enough from self-employment to be eligible; earn more than a £50,000 threshold; or only started out working for themselves within the past year and therefore missing the threshold to prove their past income to receive wage subsidies. A further 2 million people who run their own company will also slip through gaps in the safety net, because they pay themselves much of their income in dividends, and less through a salary.

Workers who lose their job completely will not be helped by the schemes as more companies across Britain consider cutting jobs, while those who have to take unpaid leave to cover caring responsibilities, or who face a cut in their earnings but continue to work, could also be left worse off.

Ensuring no one is left to sink into poverty, debt and destitution

Given the unpredictability of the current situation, and the fact that many of the Government schemes have yet to be fully implemented, it is hard at this point in time to be precise as to what further Government action will stem the growing tide of poverty, debt and destitution.

In the UK, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has called for a package of measures to protect jobs, provide proper sick pay for all and protect the livelihoods of those who lose their jobs, by radically improving Universal Credit and a wider package of support for households and renters in particular.

A time to be bold – a time for courage

But even these measures may be too piecemeal to ensure that the ‘gaps’ are filled and no one goes without as a result of the crisis, not just in the immediate future, but from the longer-term effects which will undoubtedly continue to be felt for months and years to come.

Given the scale and urgency of the situation, other countries have introduced much more radical and far-reaching schemes: in the United States, the Federal Government’s $2 trillion economic rescue package included a ‘parachute payment’ of $1,200 to each US citizen. In Spain, the Government is working on plans to roll out a Universal Basic Income to assist all Spanish families.

In many areas of public life, policies previously thought inconceivable have overnight been introduced. In the light of the perfect storm engulfing millions of households across the UK, there is an increasingly compelling case for a one-off cash payment to every household in the country, to ensure that they have the means to buy food, pay the rent and bills and tide them through the next few weeks and to provide the economic stimulus to kickstart the economy once shops and businesses, pubs and restaurants start to reopen over the coming months.

As Chancellor Rishi Sunak has said, the support needed is:

“on a scale unimaginable only a few weeks ago. This is not a time for ideology and orthodoxy, this is a time to be bold – a time for courage.”

Voices from the Margins conference reports: Parson Cross Initiative

Voices from the Margins conference reports: Timebuilders

Stories from the Edge

A Poor Church that is good news to the poor?

Stories from the Edge

I had nothing, then Universal Credit made things even worse

Please vote for our Self-Reliant Groups project to receive an Aviva Community award!

Chancellor challenged to #BurytheDebt for grieving families

To be a pilgrim

Tackling poverty in Salford: An inspirational story

Universal Credit: I became homeless and depressed

Budget 2017: 3 policies that would help those most in need

Universal Credit: Media update

Poverty, privilege and pilgrimage

Universal Credit: has it worked for you?

Being open to what God has in store: pilgrimages against poverty

‘For’ the poor or ‘of’ the poor?

Report & photos from the anti-poverty walk in Teesside

Pictures: Why it was all change at Salford Central Station

Transforming the unjust structures of society

Our day in Parliament: The truth about poverty and how to tackle it

Who cares for the carers?

How can we listen better?

Making ourselves vulnerable

A Sabbath for the Earth and the Poor

Voices from the Margins in the General Election

No match for proper conversation

‘Poverty may be complex, but it is not inevitable’ (part 2)

Poverty may be complex, but it isn’t inevitable

Voices from the Margins

Rahela Khan and Jayne Gosnall hold a board with "Dignity means...." on it.

Photos & quotes: the energy, hope & resolve of Dignity For All 2023

Two women stitch a craft creation, one looking at her work, the other towards the camera

It’s like they’ve flown: the awesome power of craft & companionship

An Introduction to the Joint Public Issues Team

What is the gospel imperative for churches in this challenging time? Church Action on Poverty trustee Stef Benstead has been reflecting on what she's seen. In this first post, she thinks about Jesus' ministry.

Every time I see another group serving the local community, I feel sick. Not because the work isn’t good and important and vital, but because it is good and important and vital and it should have been us. It should have been the church.

What’s worse, I find myself being assured by church people that it’s okay that we’re not meeting practical needs because so-and-so secular group is doing it. As if God said “if you love as the pagans love, you’re doing great” or even “if you just focus on the soul and leave the body to the pagans, that’s great”. When God actually told us to love more than the pagans do, to do more to meet material and practical needs than the pagans do, to go further than we are asked to go. Literally, to walk the extra mile. When your country needs you, don’t just serve your part. Serve more. Serve double. But whatever else you do, don’t do nothing.

Consider this analogy. “Consider the insurance agent who says to a person standing in a burning house, “Good news! Your policy covers fire. We’ll build you a whole new house!’ Okay. That is good news. But the most pressing news the person inside the house needs – right now – is where the door to the outside is.” The author, I think, presented this analogy as an argument for saving someone’s soul (getting them out of the building) as a priority rather than improving their future lot on earth (building a new house). But I found myself reading it the other way around: what kind of person focuses on someone’s future spiritual lot (a new house in the life to come) when they are choking to death now? Who ignores that suffering? Smoke inhalation causes disorientation and clouds one’s vision. If we really want to save people, we need to get them out of their physical distress first. This applies as much to poverty and hunger as it does to smoke inhalation.

Jesus took the same approach. He never asked someone to verbalise their faith in him before helping them. He knew full well that many people came to him only for physical healing or miracles or food (John 6:2,26). Jesus healed ten lepers, but only one came back to thank him (Luke 17:12-19). That man is told that his faith healed him – yet Jesus still healed the other nine. Nor does Jesus even need to always be asked for help: he brought a young man back to life without being asked to do so (Luke 7:11-17) and picked out a single man for healing from amongst the sick and disabled at the pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-9). Other times Jesus tells those he has healed to go and sin no more, but there is no implication that Jesus used any foreknowledge of whether they would receive him in faith as a deciding factor in whether to heal or not.

At Church Action on Poverty, we know that some churches are struggling to keep services open because their volunteers are themselves vulnerable and need to self-isolate. But many others are finding creative ways to serve and keep people connected.

Hope story: a united stand against hunger

How we ensure struggles are not ignored

What does the cost of living crisis mean for people in poverty?

Holding the church to account

On the road: recalling the time we took a bus all round Britain

SPARK newsletter winter 2021–22

6 ways we can build dignity, agency & power amid the cost of living crisis

Hope story: tenacity and change in Salford

Rahela Khan and Jayne Gosnall hold a board with "Dignity means...." on it.

Photos & quotes: the energy, hope & resolve of Dignity For All 2023

Two women stitch a craft creation, one looking at her work, the other towards the camera

It’s like they’ve flown: the awesome power of craft & companionship

An Introduction to the Joint Public Issues Team

Church Action on Poverty trustee Stef Benstead shares reflections on how the Coronavirus outbreak is affecting her life, as someone with disabilities who is used to being on a low income. In the first post of the series, she talks about shopping.

As someone with chronic illness, the lockdown imposed on society makes relatively little difference to me socially. My life was already a moderate version of what we now have. 

Practically, the major impact for me is shopping. I used to buy online and arrange delivery for when my assistant would be in to put shopping away. Now I can’t do that. Because I use a mobility scooter, I was able to access one of the early morning supermarket slots recently, but I’m not usually up at that time. By the end of the shopping I was feeling really quite ill, and I still had to queue through the checkout, get home and put everything away. I went back to bed for several hours and still feel slightly ill three days later.

The shopping itself was a bizarre feeling: all the most important products had large empty spaces behind them on the shelves, and by the time I found the paracetamol and the soap there were no paracetamol-only tablets (I got some with caffeine, which I didn’t notice until I got home) and the only soap was handwash and three luxury bars. I’ve read that the issue isn’t stockpiling, but that people are buying more from supermarkets rather than cafes, restaurants etc; all the people doing as we’re told and going shopping less often are therefore buying more with each shop; and the just-in-time, money-saving approach of the capitalist supply chain simply can’t cope with a slight change in demand.

But the solution isn’t to turn to delivery services. 30% of individuals used online grocery shopping in 2019 but it made up less than 10% of grocery sales. Yet some 12 million people, or 20% of the country, are disabled, and right now everyone with limited mobility, high susceptibility, high risk of complications, current coronavirus symptoms or sole responsibility for young children needs 100% of their grocery shopping to be online. Care workers, both social care, social work and healthcare should also be getting deliveries to reduce their role in transmission, given their high exposure. Yet the only people to whom the government guarantees access are the 1.5 million extremely vulnerable. That’s well over 10 million people being utterly failed. 

But getting delivery slots to disabled people isn’t enough. Healthy people need to eat and wash too! If disabled people need to go shopping at 8am to get paracetamol and soap, how are the healthy people who are also struggling to get delivery slots manage? We won’t control the spread of the virus if healthy people can’t wash, and there will be excessive suffering if the most basic drug, paracetamol, isn’t available. Our healthy population is about to discover why getting paracetamol on prescription, rather than only 32 tablets at a time, can make such a difference – because the last thing you want to do (and right now should do!) is to go out to the chemist to get more paracetamol when you have a raging temperature and debilitating pain.

The just-in-time supply chain doesn’t work. We urgently need much more rapid transport of food, hygiene and health products around the country for everyone. Not just the 1.5 million extremely vulnerable, not just the 12 million disabled, not just the over-70s, but everyone. Because everyone needs food and healthcare.

Stef Benstead’s book Second Class Citizens: The treatment of disabled people in austerity Britain is available from the Centre for Welfare Reform.

The story of a Cornish food and community revolution

“You are worthy. Don’t ever give up.”

How can policy-makers and churches work together to tackle UK poverty?

How have Christians responded to poverty during austerity?

Reset The Debt in Parliament

Watch the Food Power story

How we can use poetry to accelerate social change

Activism, struggle and superpowers

Why does digital exclusion matter?

62% want action on income inequality. So, what do we do?

Rahela Khan and Jayne Gosnall hold a board with "Dignity means...." on it.

Photos & quotes: the energy, hope & resolve of Dignity For All 2023

Two women stitch a craft creation, one looking at her work, the other towards the camera

It’s like they’ve flown: the awesome power of craft & companionship

An Introduction to the Joint Public Issues Team

As an attempt to build up a rapid initial picture of the impact of the coronavirus crisis on organisations and individuals, we invited Church Action on Poverty members and supporters to complete an online survey on Friday 27 March. 

By 3 April, we had received…

responses from organisations
responses from individuals
in relation to the impact on them and their immediate family or household

Impacts on organisations

  • There is significant concern about the impact on the most vulnerable, including amongst people and communities who were already marginalised.  This includes people seeking asylum, refugees, migrants, people with poor access to healthcare, people working cash in hand in the informal economy, etc.
  • Isolated vulnerable older people are facing particular difficulties, including accessing basics – shopping, prescriptions, etc, and struggling to access online delivery slots.
  • A significant number of local churches and organisations have had to stop all existing activities and services, including food banks, community cafes, and night shelters.
  • There have been closures of a wide range of key local services, but other local churches and organisations are finding ways to refocus and continue to serve their local community.
  • Some are seeking to coordinate collaborative responses, whilst ensuring self-care for staff and beneficiaries.
  • There is a desire to try to stay positive, but aware of challenges ahead.

Impacts on individuals and families

  • It is evident from this very initial snapshot that the Coronavirus outbreak is deeply impacting the lives of people, families and wider social networks in many different ways.

  • What is particularly noticeable from the responses are the deep impacts on people who are already vulnerable, including disabled people, people with chronic health conditions older people and carers.

  • Some people are already reporting the impacts of loss of work or income, or of struggling to access or afford the basic essentials, including food and heating.

  • Key workers, clergy and others still working are in many cases under huge pressure, or having to adapt overnight to completely new challenges or working practices.

  • This is on top of wider social and psychological impacts of the loss of ‘ordinary life’ and social connection with friends, family, church and other social networks.

  • For some people, the impacts are particularly difficult or complex, as a result of a combination of caring, family or wider 

3 ways church leaders can truly transform poverty discussions

SPARK newsletter autumn 2022

A new partnership to support communities

Letter to the Prime Minister: more cost of living support is urgently needed

Church Action on Poverty 40th Anniversary Pilgrimage and Conference in Sheffield

Cost of living crisis: is compassion enough?

Rahela Khan and Jayne Gosnall hold a board with "Dignity means...." on it.

Photos & quotes: the energy, hope & resolve of Dignity For All 2023

Two women stitch a craft creation, one looking at her work, the other towards the camera

It’s like they’ve flown: the awesome power of craft & companionship

An Introduction to the Joint Public Issues Team

In February Ben Pearson, our Food Power Empowerment Officer, along with Dr Kayleigh Garthwaite, facilitated a workshop on food justice and food security, exploring the need for global solidarity with a group of individuals with lived experience of food poverty on the Byker estate in Newcastle. Here are Ben's reflections on the process.

The Global Solidarity Alliance for Food Justice and Food Security was formed last September with colleagues from the United States and Canada, when both Ben and Kayleigh, along with Heather and Penny from Byker, attended the Closing the Hunger Gap Conference in North Carolina, USA.

The alliance is working on A Manifesto for Food Justice and Food Security. Key to this is that those experiencing and at risk of food insecurity take a lead in determining and shaping the public policies and strategies used to improve these situations, embracing people with lived experience as core members of campaigns and organisations.

It’s evident, perhaps now more so than ever, that many of the issues those in poverty face are very similar whether in the UK, United States, Canada or beyond. It’s therefore important to ensure the voices of those with lived experience are listened to and heard, and that the manifesto relates and engages those at the grassroots along with academics and those working in the sector.

A lively discussion was had, covering a range of topics from human rights to race, capitalism to climate. One message that was loud and clear from the group was that:

If welfare was paid to an acceptable level for people to live we wouldn’t have food insecurity.

That means:

Enough money so you don’t have to attend handouts for food and clothing, having a choice where to buy food, and an adequate education system to enable people to learn how to cook.

Food charity was seen to be neither dignified nor a long-term solution:

Money needs to be shared more equally.

They talked about “do-gooders” and the need to “feel grateful” often causing feelings of both anger and embarrassment:

They make you feel like you’re worthless.

One participant talked about how “people who have got don’t give a screw”, with persistent inequality lying at the root of persistent food insecurity. As we know in the current crisis, people are uncertain over the future and even more will become food insecure. This is perhaps an opportunity or ‘canny idea’ for many more of us to come together in solidarity, building a movement to tackle the underlying causes of poverty.

Penny Walters, a workshop participant and active campaigner with lived experience of poverty, says:

Bringing people together from different backgrounds to do workshops and have discussions brings a broader view, and could bring about a wider range of solutions.

Ben and Kayleigh hope to continue the conversation with grassroots activists and those with lived experience of poverty over the coming months, and will explore ways in which those with lived experience can get involved online. If you would like any more information regarding the Global Solidarity Alliance for Food Justice & Food Security, please contact Ben. 

Food Power Empowerment Programme Officer


How should we talk about poverty in the 2020s?

What’s the best way to reduce the stigma of food poverty?

Food insecurity: now we have the data, it’s time to act

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Why did I write Second Class Citizens and what can we learn?

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Look up child

The Final Push

Rahela Khan and Jayne Gosnall hold a board with "Dignity means...." on it.

Photos & quotes: the energy, hope & resolve of Dignity For All 2023

Two women stitch a craft creation, one looking at her work, the other towards the camera

It’s like they’ve flown: the awesome power of craft & companionship

An Introduction to the Joint Public Issues Team