Saturday 19 October 2024, 9:30am - 3:00pm: hear about local issues and responses to them as we walk and pray together

Gather: 9:00am, St Andrew’s URC Church, Upper Hanover Street for a 9:30am start
Visit: St Mark’s Church Broomhill; St Mary’s Walkley; Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, Hillsborough; with pauses for prayer at Sheffield’s central hospitals and women’s rights campaigner Adele Pankhurst’s former home
Meet: People tackling local social challenges.
Length: 2.8 miles
End: 2:30 – 3:00pm
Join us and learn about:
- St Andrew’s support for almost 30 local groups, representing, among others, the Iranian and Iraqi communities.
- A range of social action projects provided by St Mark’s Broomhill, including its soup run, lunch club and girls’ group.
- The work of St Mary’s Walkley in the local community and supporting local food banks.
- How Sacred Heart Hillsborough created and developed its Covenant with the Poor, including support for Sheffield Credit Union.
- The challenges facing the community.
- This year’s Pilgrimage involves gradients over around 4% up and down, each over distances of around one mile, so please think carefully about your fitness to tackle these gradients.
- St Andrew’s is best reached by public transport. Sheffield Supertram’s University stop is closest to the church and Supertram’s Hillsborough Interchange stop is close to the end of the Pilgrimage, for the return journey.
- The 51, 52, 52a and 257 buses along Western Bank and buses running along West Street and Glossop Road include the 6 and 120.
- Parking is limited close to the start of the Pilgrimage. There is an open-air car park on Broomspring Lane with 20 spaces, limited to four hours.
- There is also a mixture of long- and short-stay parking on Fitzwilliam Street, Eldon Street and Wellington Street.
- There are covered car parks on Durham Road, opposite the Children’s Hospital and off Rockingham Street, further from the Pilgrimage start.
- Please follow stewards’ advice, particularly at road crossings.
- Walkers take part at their own risk. Please wear suitable footwear and bring a waterproof. Anyone under 18 must walk with a responsible adult.
- The event is not suitable for dogs as we enter premises.
- We will stop for lunch at St Mary’s Walkley. Please bring your own packed lunch and drinks.
- Several locations we visit have toilet facilities.
Come and be open and be challenged and changed by what you see and hear
For more information or to register to attend, contact Briony Broome on 07801 532 954 or send an email by clicking below.
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Read the newsletter for all Church Action on Poverty’s supporters and partners.
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